RV Ambush Gardening

Friday, September 08, 2006

Wow! We finally got our lap top and internet running tonight. Yeah!! So, I'll try to update you on our travels.
We spent almost 2 weeks in Iowa with our daughter, Mary and hubby, Eric and our BEAUTIFUL granddaughter, Isabel. She was so delightful (see pics). We were able to attend the wedding of Kimberly Pals and Brandon Miller on Sept. 1. Kim is one of my girl's best friends, and played the piano at Mary's wedding. What a lovely wedding! I'll post pictures later - Eric took so many great ones, that I didn't take any.
Leaving Iowa on Wed. Sept. 6, we started toward Princeton, NJ to move our daughter Missy. Doug hung everything possible on the back of the trailer - generator, bikes and gas can (see pic). We stopped in the famous town of Blue Earth, Wisconsin - home of the 60ft. tall statue of the Jolly Green Giant - and not much else (see pic). We spent the night inn Oaksomething, WI at a lovely KOA off the freeway. Gotta love jakebrakes at 3am!!
On to Chicago. Sr. Christina is right - it is a wonderful city. Missy called some of her buds from her Tibet trip and the picked us up for dinner and a tour of the city. (See pics of Missy, Kevin and KC). The boys go to Wheaton College. What wonderful young men. KC's friend, Steve, is an architect student at Chicago Art Institute. He met us after dinner and took us to see his new apartment. It is in a luxury tower on the water - 9th floor overlooking Navy Pier (Doug can't ever remember the name and calls it 'Police Park'). It is a rent control apartment - but it is the most luxurious apartment I've ever seen. All new, modern shape, nearly floor to ceiling windows, open floor plan. The city of Chicago is pristine clean, great architeture, art, theater, restaurants, etc. Also, everything is open late and you feel safe walking after midnight! If you ever get the chance - go visit. By the way, Thursday, Sept. 7 was Doug's birthday. We had real Chicago pizza at Giardino's! Oh wow, yummy yummy!
Today we caught up with one of our adopted sons, Jarvis Jernigan. We had lunch at Portillo's hot dogs. I was expecting some little stand, but no! As we drove up to this really trendy establishment Doug noted, "Jarvis did always know his food"! And, true to form - we ate t


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